Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Career Cats Blog Launch

I haven't been blogging on a daily basis for the last couple months.  Not because things got boring for me, but because things have been super busy.  What has kept me so busy?  Well, for one thing, my new blog....Career Cats!

There are a lot of horrible things going on in the world right now and I thought to myself "Ryan, what can you do to make a difference?"  and the first answer that popped into my head was "Orange Mocha Frappuccino!", but the second thing that popped into my head was "Cat blog!"

So stop by and pay your respects to all those hardworking cats making a difference in this world.

You can also join the Flickr pool to add your own career cat photos, or email them to me.

And I will leave you with this gem: