Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day weekend! I spent mine away from my main squeeze, but I still participated in some major love-themed festivities.

Saturday was a biggie for my BFF, Allyson. On Saturday we went to Boston and shopped for her wedding dress! And even bigger news - we found the perfect one! I can't wait for August so I can post some pictures and show her off.

On Friday night I visited with Dave, Brittany and Esme. Esme was in a Valentine-making frenzy.

On Sunday there was an engagement brunch for Allyson and Mike at his parents' house. We got there around noon and proceeded to eat & drink our way through the day.

Yesterday I didn't get out of my pajamas, but managed to do some cleaning and then Abe and I settled in with some Chinese food and The Bachelor.

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