Tuesday, February 16, 2010

For the Birds

It's been snowing here since last night and I am starting to get a nasty case of the Spring Gardening Itch. I bought my house in November and barely had time to plant a few crocuses before the ground froze. I've spent 3 months (and 20+ years) dreaming of my very own garden and I want to get started.

Today I am thinking about bird baths. I live in the center of town on a small plot of land, but I dream of curating a backyard that is the talk of the bird community.

However, just like with rugs, curtains and lamp shades, I am finding out that nice bird baths are a lot more expensive than I expected. I might end up making one using these rustic pot instructions from Martha Stewart. [on a side note, check out these instructions for making stone flower pots - so awesome! I'm going to add that to my DIY list too]

Can you guess which one is my dream bird bath that is way out of my budget? Hint: the website describes it "Straight from the depths of a mystical forest..."

[from top down: The Essential Bird Bath $609.99; Wildwoods Rustic Bird Bath $390.75; Faux-Granite Bird Bath $249.95, Birch Birdbath With Cardinal $225.50, Magical Mushrooms Bird Bath $197.00]

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