Thursday, January 28, 2010

Adventures in Voice Over Acting

Yesterday, Colleen went to a voice over convention. I'm still not entirely clear on what happens at a voice over convention, but I do know that Colleen needs to be a voice over actor.

Anyway, she went to the convention and didn't know she was supposed to have headshots and a prepared script to read in front of agents. Everyone else had scripts from actual commercials, but with only 20 minutes before her audition she had no choice but to write her own commercial. So she quickly invented a product called Herpinol and wrote a script.

After the convention Colleen met up with me and Piper and we were dying over her day. Her script is pretty much the best thing ever. We couldn't stop reading it in front of the camera - and apparently the casting call requested only women with long, brown hair and bangs to audition. Here are the best reads of the night.*

Herpinol: take back the night you got herpes.

*Please note that none of us are making fun of having herpes and do not think having herpes is funny. Did you know that one in five Americans have genital herpes (yet at least 80 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it)? To learn more about herpes please go to the CDC website:


MMTSI said...

we have the sense of humor of 12 year olds.

Ryan Green said...

we also think we are hilarious.

MMTSI said...

uh, who's this guy? anyone got a japanese to english dictionary?