Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Found Loves: The Runny Bunny

Since the holiday craft fair/order getting out rush is over I've had a little extra time to browse the World Wide Web. This has proven to be time well spent because I've "discovered" some awesome things & creative people out there.

The Runny Bunny

This ETSY shop run by Robin VanValkenburgh features slip-cast molds...but they aren't your everyday tchokes. Some are cast from vintage molds and irregularly glazed and others are strange combinations of animals and people. I was one of those kids totally in love with America's Funniest People's vignettes featuring Jackalope so these figurines are right up my alley.

SUPER SALE Rainbow run

SUPER SALE Bird pup intense yellow

1 comment:

margot said...

your bday present was from the runny bunny! i knew i should've gone for the hybrid animal.